ReGroup - VR Experience
Working in collaboration with Protein-One, Rotor Studios developed a fully interactive Virtual Reality experience for ReGroup, set in their recycling facility in Hume, ACT. Utilising Oculus Rift, school children are able to learn about recycling by virtually walking through the recycling facility which we recreated realistically at 1-1 scale, using actual CAD data of the specialised machinery on display. The experience is fully interactive and includes realistic physics simulations that allow the children to explore the facility, pick up and sort different types of trash with their hands and play three different mini-games designed to be both educational and fun. A voiceover and a large screen mirroring the user’s point-of-view allows an entire class of children to watch the experience and learn alongside the user. Award: Bronze award at AEAF 2018 (Interactive / VR category) Credits: Project Maintenance Management Tags: VR, Immersive, Oculus Rift, ReGroup, Gamification, Unreal